New Donor Advised Fund Incentive!
(with matching contribution up to $2500*)
A special incentive for Experience Israel participants! You’ve become familiar with the power of philanthropy. You’ve seen and understand the needs and struggles non-profits face, and the good they can do in the world.
Now, Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation (MN JCF) wants to help you leverage your philanthropic power. For a limited time, MN JCF will contribute up to $2,500* to each of the first ten (10) new donor-advised funds (DAF) opened at MN JCF by Experience Israel trip participants.
*The size of the MN JCF’s contribution is based upon the type of DAF that is opened, as follows:
What is a donor-advised fund (“DAF”) & what are the benefits?
A DAF is like a charitable giving account or fund to which you, your family and even your friends can contribute money.
MN JCF invests that money with the goal of growing your charitable dollars (tax-free), so you have more to donate to your favorite causes.
Save money on taxes. Every time you donate to your fund, it is tax deductible. Assets in your fund grow tax-free over time so you have more to give.
Having a fund at the MN JCF makes your giving easy – we do the work for you so you can focus on enjoying your philanthropy
MN JCF is a one-stop shop for your philanthropy. Acting as your back-office, we save you time by doing the administration of the fund for you.
You and your designated family members can make donations from the fund at any time to support causes of your choice to almost any charitable organization – Jewish or secular, local or global, as long as the organization meets certain charitable requirements and does not conflict with MN JCF’s mission.
Having a fund at MN JCF is double/triple/quadruple mitzvah:
Mitzvah #1: 100% of what you do through MN JCF is charitable. You are giving to charity through your fund.
Mitzvah #2: MN JCF’s administrative fee is like a donation that goes to another Jewish non-profit; it supports a local Jewish organization and stays within the community, allowing you to maximize your charitable giving.
Mitzvah #3: Whenever grants are sent from your fund at MJCF, they have the word “Jewish” in them, which lets the non-Jewish recipients know that the Jewish community cares about them.
Mitzvah #4: If you choose the Jewish Advocacy Investment Pool investment option for your fund, you are literally investing in your Jewish values.
How does this work?
You must be a first-time MN JCF fund holder. A new DAF under this initiative cannot be opened using funds from an existing MN JCF fund.
Once the fund is opened, you must meet with MN JCF staff 1-2 times during the first year fund is opened to talk about how to use the DAF, your charitable giving goals, and other philanthropic topics.
Can add a partial opening minimum gift, but must get to required minimum opening gift of initiative (either $3750 or $7500) within one year. Until that minimum opening gift is reached, you will not be able to make grants from the fund.
The minimum initial contribution of the new DAF’s minimum opening must be $2500 for a $5K DAF and $5,000 for those who open a $10K DAF.
Donors will have one year to bring the DAF contributions up to a total of either $3750 (for a $5K DAF) or $7500 (for a $10K DAF). Once those minimum opening gifts have been met, MN JCF will donate 25% of the minimum opening gift.
Who is eligible?
First time MN JCF fund holders
Minneapolis Jewish Federation Experience Israel 2023 participants
What is expected from donors?
We strongly encourage donors to use the money MN JCF contributes to the new DAF to support Jewish causes.
We strongly encourage that the MN JCF’s contribution is donated to Jewish causes.
Donors are asked to be MN JCF ambassadors by discussing their DAF experience with others, in an effort to promote philanthropy.
If you are interested in opening a new Donor Advised Fund, or have any questions, please contact Alene G. Sussman, Executive Director of MN JCF, at 952.417.2316 or