New Donor Advised Fund Incentive!

(with matching contribution up to $2500*)

A special incentive for Experience Israel participants! You’ve become familiar with the power of philanthropy. You’ve seen and understand the needs and struggles non-profits face, and the good they can do in the world.

Now, Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation (MN JCF) wants to help you leverage your philanthropic power. For a limited time, MN JCF will contribute up to $2,500* to each of the first ten (10) new donor-advised funds (DAF) opened at MN JCF by Experience Israel trip participants.

*The size of the MN JCF’s contribution is based upon the type of DAF that is opened, as follows:

What is a donor-advised fund (“DAF”) & what are the benefits?

  • A DAF is like a charitable giving account or fund to which you, your family and even your friends can contribute money.

  • MN JCF invests that money with the goal of growing your charitable dollars (tax-free), so you have more to donate to your favorite causes.

  • Save money on taxes. Every time you donate to your fund, it is tax deductible. Assets in your fund grow tax-free over time so you have more to give.

  • Having a fund at the MN JCF makes your giving easy – we do the work for you so you can focus on enjoying your philanthropy

  • MN JCF is a one-stop shop for your philanthropy. Acting as your back-office, we save you time by doing the administration of the fund for you.

  • You and your designated family members can make donations from the fund at any time to support causes of your choice to almost any charitable organization – Jewish or secular, local or global, as long as the organization meets certain charitable requirements and does not conflict with MN JCF’s mission.

  • Having a fund at MN JCF is double/triple/quadruple mitzvah:

    • Mitzvah #1: 100% of what you do through MN JCF is charitable. You are giving to charity through your fund.

    • Mitzvah #2: MN JCF’s administrative fee is like a donation that goes to another Jewish non-profit; it supports a local Jewish organization and stays within the community, allowing you to maximize your charitable giving.

    • Mitzvah #3: Whenever grants are sent from your fund at MJCF, they have the word “Jewish” in them, which lets the non-Jewish recipients know that the Jewish community cares about them.

    • Mitzvah #4: If you choose the Jewish Advocacy Investment Pool investment option for your fund, you are literally investing in your Jewish values.

How does this work?

  • You must be a first-time MN JCF fund holder. A new DAF under this initiative cannot be opened using funds from an existing MN JCF fund.

  • Once the fund is opened, you must meet with MN JCF staff 1-2 times during the first year fund is opened to talk about how to use the DAF, your charitable giving goals, and other philanthropic topics.

  • Can add a partial opening minimum gift, but must get to required minimum opening gift of initiative (either $3750 or $7500) within one year. Until that minimum opening gift is reached, you will not be able to make grants from the fund.

  • The minimum initial contribution of the new DAF’s minimum opening must be $2500 for a $5K DAF and $5,000 for those who open a $10K DAF. 

  • Donors will have one year to bring the DAF contributions up to a total of either $3750 (for a $5K DAF) or $7500 (for a $10K DAF). Once those minimum opening gifts have been met, MN JCF will donate 25% of the minimum opening gift.

Who is eligible?

  • First time MN JCF fund holders

  • Minneapolis Jewish Federation Experience Israel 2023 participants

What is expected from donors?

  • We strongly encourage donors to use the money MN JCF contributes to the new DAF to support Jewish causes.

  • We strongly encourage that the MN JCF’s contribution is donated to Jewish causes.

  • Donors are asked to be MN JCF ambassadors by discussing their DAF experience with others, in an effort to promote philanthropy.

If you are interested in opening a new Donor Advised Fund, or have any questions, please contact Alene G. Sussman, Executive Director of MN JCF, at 952.417.2316 or